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Bid Awards


LMIG Paving and Leveling Streets - Northwest Georgia Paving 

City Hall HVAC Replacement - Teems Electric 

Depot Square Improvements - Hasbun Construction 

Benton Coal Renovations - L-Squared

Golden Mile Trail Phase2 - Hasbun Construction, Inc. 

Ringgold Strategic Vision Plan Ph 1 - Global Infrastructure, Inc. 

Taylors Ridge Industrial Park Water Tank - Southeastern Tank, Inc. and Brown Brothers, Inc. 

Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation 2022 CIPP Project - CaJenn Construction & Rehabilitation Services, Inc. 

Paving and Leveling of Various Streets - Northwest Georgia Paving 

Police Vehicles (2) 2022 Ford Explorer - Prater Ford 

Police CID Vehicle - Prater Ford

LMIG Patching and Leveling of Various Streets - Tally Construction. 

Materials for Depot Square Storm Water Improvements - Consolidated Pipe and Supply, Inc.

Metal Shop Roof Remove and Replace - Langley Roofing